Beautiful Bellies – Part 1

Beautiful Bellies – Part 1

  Pregnant bellies have a unique beauty to them because we know that there is a baby growing inside the body. The fact that the body can even allow this to happen is so incredible. Pregnant bellies are beautiful. In many and any shape. In many and any size. If...
Pregnancy: Up To Week 18!

Pregnancy: Up To Week 18!

Well, it’s about time I told you the exciting news…. I’M PREGNANT! I’ve been keeping it close for a little while now. I’m 18+ weeks along, so babe is due around the end of July. I’m not taking the due date too seriously, though! If...

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Doing Postnatal Fitness Coaching Differently: How To Stand Out In A Sea Of ‘Experts’

Tuesday, April 17th at 8am PST/11am EST

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Doing Postnatal Fitness Coaching Differently: How To Stand Out In A Sea Of ‘Experts’

Wednesday, April 18th at 5pm PST/8pm EST

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The 3B’s: Coaching and Cueing for the Postnatal Fitness Client

Tuesday, October 16th at 9am PST/12pm EST

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to strong and beyond

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Postnatal Fitness Fast-Track: Volume 2

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