I’m not just saying ‘chill out’ in a relax, take it easy, don’t sweat it kind of way. I’m saying start scheduling in relaxation time within your day to consciously calm down, breathe deeply/slowly, reset and re-erengize.

If this freaks you out because you think you have no extra seconds in your day – you need this the most. I would encourage you to re-evaluate your life to see where you can pull a few minutes from. If this time needs to come out of your workout time…do it. I guarantee you’ll be 1000% (yes, a thousand percent) more productive in the rest of your life if you implement some of the strategies I’m going to cover below. The JMG guarantee, trust it.

I used to think that if I wasn’t going, going, going ALL the time, that was ‘bad’. I was being lazy. Not doing enough. I used to think that taking time to do yoga, or to go for strolls, or to lie  on the couch looking at recipes for hours on end, was wasting time…that I could have spent working instead. Times are a changin’ though, my friends. I now try to plan my days with more balance in mind. This certainly doesn’t mean that your work won’t get done though. What needs to get done, will get done. It isn’t always possible to fit long stretches of relaxation into a day. Some weeks are busier than others, deadlines come up, and stuff just happens. Guess what? That’s ok. Some of these things below can literally take 3 minutes. You can create 3 extra minutes, yes? Yes. Read on.


1. Baking.

Is it bad that baking is at the top of the list? I need to get out more. I mentioned it earlier this week on the Facebook: I need a 12-step program to reduce my baking addiction. But really, I don’t want to stop and there’s no good reason to stop, especially when you can clean up your fave baked goods. In fact, these “Coco, Cinna, Choco Balls” might be the best balls I’ve ever made, and there was no baking even required. I’m telling you now, you’re going to want to make these. The recipe is going out this Friday in my newsletter so get yourself on the list now, right here!

Coco, cinna, choco

2. The art of doing nothing.

This is actually pretty hard to do if you’re used to always doing something. I invite you to lie on your couch, your bed, your floor, or sit in a chair with no distractions. No tv, no smartphone, no talking, just a whole lot of nothing. Sit, breathe, be aware of your thoughts. Don’t judge them or try to think about nothing. Just be and see what comes up.

3. “Breathing is magical”.

Yep, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Focused breathing is a beautiful thing for your body. I got mega relaxed yesterday by just watching a client do their breathing work. Weird? Maybe. Relaxing? Absolutely. Lie down, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Put your hands onto your belly and take a big inhale breath. Let the belly rise up and the rib cage expand. Pause for 3-5 seconds at the top of your breath and hoooold it there. Exhale fully, get it all out. Feel the belly come down, the ribs move down towards your hips. Repeat for 10 rounds.

Randy breathing

4. Knees at 90.

This is one of my favourite things ever. For someone with any lower back issues, if you’re pregnant or postpartum – this feels incredible on the hips and lumbar spine. It tucks the pelvis under and takes the stress off the lower back and the front of your hips. Close the eyes and breathe, 3-5 minutes.

knees at 90

5. Legs up the wall.

Another fantastic relaxation pose is legs up the wall. Just how it sounds, lie on your back at a wall and scoot your bum in close. Take your legs straight up in the air and rest your heels against the wall. You can move as close or as far away from the wall as you need to, depending on hamstring flexibility. Close the eyes and breathe, 3-5 minutes. (Noticing a pattern here?)

6. Yogz.

Ahhh, yoga. Whether it’s restorative or more of a flowing practice, it can all really help quiet the noise inside your head. On different days my body (and mind) have different needs so I pick a class accordingly. I’ve said it before, but YogaGlo is my go-to at home yoga source.

7. Upside down, is really my rightside up I think.

My favourite part of any yoga practice – inversions! Upside-down-ness is so calming for me. Want to learn how to start inverting yourself? Check out this great quick video about intro to inversions, by the fab Jen Comas Keck. My fave? Handstanding fo’ sho’.

8. Strolling outdoors.

Walking is a fantastic way to to move your body and chill out. You don’t even need to walk fast on these walks for relaxation. I’d actually encourage you to walk slow. Just stroll 20-45 minutes, take in some fresh air and get a shot or two of VitD.

river valley

9. Farmer’s market wandering.

Heaven. Strolling, fresh foods, local produce, baked goods, outside, sunshine, community. What more could you wish for?

farmers market ed

There you have it. Try 1 or 2 of these out today. You’ll be glad you did and I’ll be extra glad you did.