How to Cook for Different Tastes at the Same Table.

[Welcome back to the blog my sister, Nicki! As always, Nicki is here to serve up (pun intended) some fab suggestions for all things food related. A frequent question I get from people is, “How do I get my partner/kids on board with my new healthier eating...
Workin’ 9-5: What’s a Girl to Eat?

Workin’ 9-5: What’s a Girl to Eat?

[My sister, Nicki (read about her here), has completely revolutionized her life over the last few years, in large part due to slowly changing her eating and body moving habits. Food does not control her life, food fits her life. She works at an office full-time and...

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Doing Postnatal Fitness Coaching Differently: How To Stand Out In A Sea Of ‘Experts’

Tuesday, April 17th at 8am PST/11am EST

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Doing Postnatal Fitness Coaching Differently: How To Stand Out In A Sea Of ‘Experts’

Wednesday, April 18th at 5pm PST/8pm EST

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The 3B’s: Coaching and Cueing for the Postnatal Fitness Client

Tuesday, October 16th at 9am PST/12pm EST

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to strong and beyond

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Postnatal Fitness Fast-Track: Volume 2

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