by Jessie Mundell | May 11, 2017 | Blog
Earlier this week on social media I posted the photo below to show what my belly looks like when I’m ovulating. For me, this is rounder than other days, recently. Here’s that photo. The constant is that our bodies and our bellies change. Throughout the...
by Jessie Mundell | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog, Featured
5 Reasons Your Diastasis Recti Is NOT Healing Research and clinical experience shows that most, if not all, pregnant bodies will experience some degree of abdominal separation, or Diastasis Recti Abdominus (DRA). In many bodies, Diastasis heals incredibly well on...
by Jessie Mundell | Mar 8, 2016 | Blog
If you’re only looking to get flat abs post-pregnancy, I’m not your trainer. I’m just not your girl because I care more about your abs functioning well, than how flat they are. I care more about whether your core muscles support your body, keep you...