This Beautiful Bellies series (if you missed Part 1, see the photos here) has been inspired by my friend, Jayleen. Jay and I are just days apart in our pregnancies.

We were chatting about the media frenzy surrounding model Sarah Stage, who had visible abs throughout her pregnancy.

People were up. in. arms. Accusing her of having an eating disorder, harming her baby, etc.

And, no one had ANY IDEA about this woman’s life or health. Or anything. Literally, we knew nothing about her except that she had abdominal muscles you could see when she was pregnant.

And, then Sarah went on to have an 8+lb healthy baby.

You can definitely see Jay’s abs. She’s in her 3rd trimester when these photos were taken. She’s very healthy. Takes fantastic care of herself and her family.

Beautiful Bellies Jayleen Renneberg

OH, AND, that body positioning and photo angles can make bodies look differently. This was Jay’s main point when she sent me the photos.

Moral of the story: looks can be deceiving, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, and all that jazz 😉

Let’s move along to the beautiful bellies of Part 2!

1). Lana: strong + powerful 

Beautiful Bellies Lana Carlson2). Suzanne: beautiful + thankful + womanly 

Beautiful Bellies Suzanne Medilcott

3). Rebekah: free + pretty + whoa (…there’s a baby in there!)

Beautiful Bellies Rebekah Moreno

4). Elizabeth: surprised!

Beautiful Bellies Elizabeth Harkman

5). Lisa: proud + lucky + happy

Beautiful Bellies Lisa Day

6). Sarah: exited + proud + strong

Beautiful Bellies Sarah Dimech


7). Susan: beautiful + blessed + comfortable (with the shape of my body!)

 Beautiful Bellies Susan Blezard


8). Jamie: anxious + ready 

Beautiful Bellies Jamie Taylor Lynn


9). Maralee: yoga worthy + cute

Beautiful Bellies Maralee

10). Jill: strong + proud + feminine

Beautiful Bellies Jill McLean

11). Lauren: excited + tired + happy 

Beautiful Bellies Lauren Chris

12). Terri-Lynn: powerful + proud

Beautiful Bellies Terri-Lynn

13). Jillian: strong + sexy 

Beautiful Bellies Jillian Varty

14). Maddie: amazed + thankful 

Beautiful Bellies Maddie Schneider

15). Ashley: beautiful + excited + amazed 

Beautiful Bellies Ashley De Franco

16). Melissa: ready + prepared

Beautiful Bellies Melissa Szurovy

17). Leanne: radiant 

Beautiful Bellies Leanne Revell

18). Erica: excited + proud + unfamiliar 

Beautiful Bellies Erica Knuttila

19). Audra: strong!

Beautiful Bellies Audra Hiller

20). Jessie (me again!): surprisingly comfortable 😉 

Jessie 34 weeks band walks

I’ll be honest. When I thought ahead to this point in pregnancy months back, I wasn’t sure I would feel this good. At this point, with due date being just 6 weeks away, I feel really lucky that my body is feeling so good, and I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

I have zero back pain or pelvic pain. I feel comfy. I feel strong. I feel stable. My body really feels great (…besides the return of the all day nausea!).

I know this has a HUGE amount to do with coming into pregnancy fit and continuing to strength train and focus on my core work throughout pregnancy.

The formula has been: preparation + structured workouts + consistency

This is the formula used in all To Pregnancy & Beyond monthly workouts; my group coaching program for women.

If you’re trying to conceive, if you’re currently pregnant, or if you’ve had a baby at ANY time: this is where you want to be in order to take care of your body in the most effective way possible.

Head here for all the details and to get signed up now. See you in the club!


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Doing Postnatal Fitness Coaching Differently: How To Stand Out In A Sea Of ‘Experts’

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The 3B’s: Coaching and Cueing for the Postnatal Fitness Client

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Postnatal Fitness Fast-Track: Volume 2

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