[PODCAST] Working Out While Pregnant and Morning Sick

by Jan 19, 2021


So you’re trying to work out while pregnant but you’re struggling with morning sickness? Unpopular opinion alert….

You can continue exercising with morning sickness. 

The most common advice given with working out while pregnant through
 nausea is to STOP. 

“Wait until the second trimester when it passes. Just rest through it. Stop pushing yourself so hard!”

I understand the sentiments…and I have questions.

In today’s brand new podcast, I give you 6 tips for exercising more comfortably with morning sickness in pregnancy.

NOTE: you can absolutely make the choice to NOT exercise through nausea and morning sickness. And, if you are experiencing more severe sickness, such as Hyperemesis Gravidarum, speak with your medical provider.

But, there is possibility to use working out while pregnant as a tool to help you along with nausea, if it is truly benefiting your prenatal health. 

I exercised through all day, every day “morning sickness” in two full term pregnancies for 3 reasons: 

  • It helped manage the discomfort, aches, and pain in my every-changing pregnant body
  • It was a distraction from the monotony of feeling nauseous 24/7, which was supportive to my mental health 
  • It helped me feel hungrier and thirstier, through food aversions to every food that was not beige in colour, LOL.

>>> Adjust working out while pregnant to feel less achy, have better energy, and sleep deeper <<<


Ps. Need further support and guidance in your prenatal or postpartum workouts? 

Work with me directly in To Pregnancy and Beyond for progressive, monthly exercise plans that are specific to your trimester of pregnancy, postpartum re-strengthening, or core and pelvic floor needs. 

Feel supported with a customized workout program through pregnancy and postpartum


Jessie Mundell is mama-in-chief at JessieMundell.com, where she’s helped hundreds of moms feel strong, confident, and EMPOWERED in their bodies with fitness programs tailored to their prenatal and postnatal needs.

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