by Jessie Mundell | Jan 10, 2018 | Blog
Common advice is to stop doing the exercise(s) that is causing you pelvic floor symptoms.This sounds reasonable, yes? Seems like the responsible and safe approach for people to adhere to. In fact, it IS reasonable and responsible and safe in many cases. There will be...
by Jessie Mundell | Jul 26, 2017 | Blog
I haven’t warmed-up for 99% of the workouts I’ve done in the last 2 years. Seriously. It’s a rare occurrence if I do any warming up at all before getting into my workout. *GASP* I KNOW I KNOW. We, the fitness industry, tell you that’s the most...
by Jessie Mundell | Mar 14, 2017 | Blog
Today, I want to give you a rundown on 10 fast facts regarding diastasis recti, or abdominal muscle separation. In full disclosure, I use the term ‘facts’ loosely. In 2017. Ha. This all will continue to change, be researched further, and become much more...
by Jessie Mundell | Feb 1, 2017 | Blog
THOSE ARE ACTUAL WORDS I ONCE SAID. Ok, in full disclosure, not just one time. Like, a lot of times. Ughhhh. Somewhat embarrassing to admit that, but also a great reminder of where I was and where I am now in terms of mindset and my relationships with FOOD and...
by Jessie Mundell | Nov 16, 2016 | Blog
I’m not going to try to scare you, or suggest you should never go to CrossFit after pregnancy so don’t fear! Returning to or beginning CrossFit, or any form of more intense exercise with heavier weight lifting and higher impact exercise, needs a plan...