Paleo. Calorie counting. Metabolic resistance training. Cardio. High carb vs. no carb. Intermittent fasting. Habit building. Short workouts vs. long. Heavy weights. Tracey Anderson.

Ugh! What method are you supposed to choose? There’s a million and one opinions on the “best” ways to achieve health in this industry. (Side note: Health is relative, and I’d argue that a lot of times these methods aren’t often about achieving health). People have very strong opinions, and tend to get prettttty emotional based on which “side” they choose. Like, really emotional. I totally get that it can be damn confusing on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, when searching for the plan that will get you the results you’re looking for.

My advice: Just start doing. Do something, anything, and do it consistently for a period of time (unless it hurts you, effs with your digestion, etc).

You just have to do YOU. You have to find what works best for you and your body and your life. Stop chasing the next best thing and just do your thing. You don’t have to eat how your best friend eats because they lost the last 10 pounds on the same diet. You don’t have to do 4 strength training workouts a week because that’s what the magazine told you to do.

Information is good. Education is great. Putting practices into place is even better. You must take action. You are your own science experiment and while I can coach you through, there must be follow through or how will we know what’s creating change or not creating change?

This is what it comes down to. You need to find what works for your body and your life. You just need to try some things, see if they “work” for you, and then adjust accordingly.

The truth is, if I don’t understand your life I don’t know for certain if you should or shouldn’t eat gluten or dairy if you’re trying to lose fat. I don’t know for certain if you’re sensitive to carbohydrates and should only eat them post-exercise. I don’t know if you respond well to 2 workouts a week or 6 workouts a week. You just need to try things out and see what the results are.

Understand that this process is different for everyone. It might take you many, many (MANY) tries to find a routine that gels for you. It definitely did for me and I know it’s not near solidified. I can tell you my daily menu and my exact weekly training schedule, but that doesn’t mean it will work for you. I’m always tweaking. The skeleton of my plan is quite consistent, but the specific details are often changing.

I eat and workout extremely differently than I did a year ago, let alone 5 years ago. The schedule I’m on today works for my life, right now. Next year at this time, I’m guessing it’ll be quite a bit different. And, it’s all good! I’ve learned to have very little attachment to my schedule and just roll with it.

Does this mean I just go about my day eating with abandon? Or, ditch my workouts because something comes up? Hell no! I adapt my schedule to fit my life. It doesn’t control my life.

The perfect plan is the one you’ll actually do. So, just do you.



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