[5 Days to Becoming a Postnatal Fitness Specialist] Day 4: Staying in Your Integrity When Marketing to Moms

by Oct 11, 2017

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart.

I got caught up in the hype, the sexiness of fitness, and what I saw everyone else doing when marketing to moms for years. It started to feel more and more uncomfortable, as I continued to struggle with how I felt in my own body and with my mindset around food.

I couldn’t continue to push more women and moms in this same direction. I started to change the conversations I was having with myself, then my clients, and ultimately in my business entirely.

If you are a fitness or health professional working with moms, a tool to include in your practice is assessing for Diastasis Recti postpartum.

This simple assessment will give you and your clients key information on their core and pelvic health – necessary for moms to understand about their postpartum recovery and long-term health.

Get your FREE copy of the Diastasis Recti Assessment Guide here


[5 Days to Becoming a Postnatal Fitness Specialist] Day 4: Staying in Your Integrity When Marketing to Moms


[0-2 minutes] Introduction.

[2-6 minutes] Marketing Fitness to Moms Without Focusing on Fat Loss.

[6-8 minutes] Change the Conversation.

[8-10 minutes] Are You Contributing to the Insecurities or Stress That Your Clients Are Experiencing?

[10-11 minutes] Is it Your Goal to Empower Your Clients?  Are the Things You’re Focusing on in Training Truly Empowering Them?

[11-13 minutes] Wrap-Up.

Ps. Remember to get your free Diastasis Recti Assessment Guide to start using with your mama clients (or yourself!) immediately, so you can best design postpartum workouts and treatment plans.

Jessie Mundell is mama-in-chief at JessieMundell.com, where she’s helped hundreds of moms feel strong, confident, and EMPOWERED in their bodies with fitness programs tailored to their prenatal and postnatal needs.