[PODCAST] Fertility, Conception, and Relationships with Rishma Walji

by Mar 19, 2019

[To Birth and Beyond Podcast: Episode 59]

Birth Stories with Terrell Baldock

On todays’ episode of To Birth and Beyond Podcast, we talk with Rishma Walji, a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist and PhD. She talks with us all about fertility: what does it mean, does it matter if you aren’t trying to be a parent, and beyond!





Ps. A reminder to grab your copy of the Bands and Bells Workout Program for Pregnancy and Postpartum.

It’s free, the equipment setup is simple, and it will help you to feel stronger and more capable in your body.


Jessie Mundell is mama-in-chief at JessieMundell.com, where she’s helped hundreds of moms feel strong, confident, and EMPOWERED in their bodies with fitness programs tailored to their prenatal and postnatal needs.

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