Why I Stopped Doing Nutrition Coaching

by Mar 25, 2018

I’ve been grappling with these thoughts for a while. A few years, really.

I used to offer private nutrition coaching as a service in my business. I used to talk about food quite a lot with my To Pregnancy & Beyond group coaching mamas.

Over time, specifically through one pregnancy and one postpartum experience, it started to feel uncomfortable. A pregnancy filled with food aversions and living a new life with a baby played major roles in this.

Further, as I started to dive deeper into social justice issues, my own privilege, and all of the factors that determine one’s access to food quality, nutrition coaching wasn’t something I felt I could adequately offer.

Habits, balance, intuitive eating. Nothing felt quite right.

I only hoped my clients would be able to eat. In a way that felt good for them. In a way that felt right for their bodies, their life, their budget, their mental health.

The specifics of how that happened? Not something I wanted to be my business. Or, in my business.

The other side of this, I’d be remiss to not mention?

I didn’t want to bring more attention or thought to food for ME. I’ve worked at taking my focus away from food for years. Spending too much time talking or thinking about food can be triggering for me. I especially didn’t want that for myself during periods where my body was changing so dramatically.

Especially, in a postpartum body.

I talk through this more in the video below.



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Jessie Mundell is mama-in-chief at JessieMundell.com, where she’s helped hundreds of moms feel strong, confident, and EMPOWERED in their bodies with fitness programs tailored to their prenatal and postnatal needs.

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